Looking to change careers or in the hunt for a new job? Welcome! We can help.
JobNow has it all! Get live resume and cover letter help. Find free resume samples and templates, skills building classes and more!
Did you know? We have an expert career coach who can help! A retired HR expert, she takes appointments every other Tuesday morning. Contact the Cora J. Belden Library Information Desk at 860-258-7623 to sign up. Free!
Need help brushing up on your tech skills? Need a refresher on Microsoft Excel? Trying to set up a LinkedIn profile?
We can help with that! Check out the library's event calendar for a list of on-going computer classes like Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. We also offer one-on-one help with LinkedIn and more! Call the Cora J. Belden Library Information Desk at 860-258-7623 to sign up for a 1 hour appointment.
Whether you call it a resume or CV, we all need one! Resumes are an essential part of the hiring process. They enable potential employers to learn more about you and whether you might be a good fit. Resumes should be clear and easy to read. They need to summarize your skills and accomplishments, and most of all, help you stand out! Not sure where to start? Here are some tips to help you write a great resume!
1) Look for keywords in the job posting to customize your resume
2) Keep it easy to read
3) Use a professional font
4) Include only relevant information and put the most important information at the beginning
5) Use active language
6) Call attention to achievements
7) Only include sections that you need
8) Choose appropriate margins
9) Proof read, proof read, proof read!
10) Create a unique, customized resume for each and every job
Using a word processing program like Microsoft Word, or Google Docs, is the first step in crafting a great resume. Check out these quick intro videos and tutorials available through Niche Academy to get started today:
Creating a Basic Resume using Microsoft Word Templates: use this tutorial to get tips on how to create a basic resume, what to include, and getting started with Microsoft Word and resume templates.
Getting Started with Microsoft Word: Ready to create a custom resume? Start here to learn tips on how to format your resume, indent lines, center headings and more.
Getting Started with Google Docs: Don't have Microsoft Word? Google Docs is a great, free alternative word processing program. Sign up for a Google account to get started. Craft and edit your resume, and then download and save it as a Microsoft Word or PDF document to submit with your job application.
Check out some of these websites and online resources to get sample resumes, tips and more.
Cora J. Belden Library
33 Church St. | Rocky Hill, CT 06067 | 860-258-7621