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Cora J. Belden Library
Phone: 860-258-7621 (Main)     Mon - Wed: 9:30 - 8:00
Phone: 860-258-7623 (Info)     Thurs - Fri: 9:30 - 5:00
E-mail:     Saturday: 9:30 - 1:00
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Download a magazine to browse or read  

  • OverDrive and Flipster
  • Popular magazines!
  • Download as many as you would like with no waiting, no due dates and no overdue fines.
  • Special collection of magazines from Southeast Asia.

Download a book or audiobook                                         

  • OverDrive, Freading and EBSCO.
  • Tens of thousands of e-books and audiobooks for your Kindle, Windows PC, Mac, or mobile devices (iOS or Android).
  • Items are returned automatically after 7, 14 or 21 days.

Take a class

  • LinkedIn Learning offers thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts. Explore tech topics such as coding and web development, business topics such as leadership and analytics, and creative topics such as graphic design and computer animation.
  • The Great Courses Library Collection is a lecture series taught by world-renowned college professors. Developed and vetted by award-winning experts, the Great Courses cover subjects like history, economics, health, art, and science.

Polish your resume and interview skills                    

  • JobNow allows you to upload a copy of your resume to receive expert analysis within 24 hours, as well as access interview tips and career assessment tools.

Organize your paperwork                                                  

Look before you buy                                              

  • Access Flipster for Consumer Reports online issues. View comparisons and results from the testing laboratory.

Trace your roots and create a family tree

  • Library Edition brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to your library with billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more. Unlock the story of you!

Research any topic

  • researchIT (formerly iCONN), the Connecticut Digital Library, provides a range of quality on-line information resources including reference, periodicals (popular & academic), and newspapers.

Access your financial situation

  • Morningstar provides an online investment research center, with information on companies, funds, and market returns.

Reserve a Museum Pass

  • Free or reduced admission to area museums is courtesy of the Friends of the Cora J. Belden Library.
  • Reserve a pass online OR by calling the Information Desk at 860-258-7623.