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Cora J. Belden Library
Phone: 860-258-7621 (Main)     Mon - Wed: 9:30 - 8:00
Phone: 860-258-7623 (Info)     Thurs - Fri: 9:30 - 5:00
E-mail:     Saturday: 9:30 - 1:00
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Cora J. Belden Library - Teens

The Cora J. Belden Library offers a variety of services to teens (grades 6 - 12), including thousands of items for checkout both physically and digitally, fun programs and events, volunteering opportunities, as well as technology such as a 3D printer and VR headsets.

Browse Our Collection

We have thousands of items available for checkout, both in physical as well as digital format. Check out our online catalog to discover your next favorite book, audiobook, movie, or TV series! If you are looking for online content, check out our offerings for e-books, digital audiobooks & music, as well as magazines.

Volunteer Opportunities

Teens in high school can volunteer at one of our children's programs by signing up for a "Teen Volunteer Event" listed on our calendar.  Teens can also individually volunteer to scan old RHHS yearbooks by calling our information desk at 860-258-7623. Check back for more opportunities to come.

Attend a Program

We offer a great variety of fun programs for teens including coding, web design, 3D printing, crafts, makerspace activities and more! Learn about our latest offerings by visiting our online calendarGot an idea for a teen program? Let us know at jzappulla@rockyhillct,gov.

Teen Recommended Reading

Looking for some recommendations for reading? Check out these curated lists or drop in and ask a librarian!