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Cora J. Belden Library
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Cora J. Belden Library - e-Books


OverDrive / Libby has it all: choose from more than 34,000 e-books, digital audiobooks, magazines, and movies, free with your Cora J. Belden library card. This is your one-stop-shop! This service is a good option for adult, teen and juvenile fiction titles. Check out up to 10 titles at a time and keep them for up to 3 weeks. Finished a book? You can return it early and check out more items! See a book you want? Go ahead and place a hold, OverDrive / Libby will notify you when the item is ready.

Device Compatibility: PC, Mac, Chromebooks, Android, iOS, Kindle E-Reader & Fire Tablets



Freading has unlimited copies of all e-books, so go ahead, check out that book! There are no hold lists. This database features e-books only, but has several unique collections, including a stellar gathering of Lonely Planet travel guides as well as titles in a range of languages from Norwegian to Hindi, Greek and Bulgarian. Check out up to 3 items per week, and keep them for 2 weeks. This database is available to Rocky Hill Library card holders only.

Device Compatibility: PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire Tablets



Use this e-book service for all your academic projects! EBSCOhost is actually a collection of databases that focus on nonfiction titles and articles covering all topics, from Hitler to Harry Potter. This collection features full e-book titles, as well as access to articles through other EBSCOhost databases like Academic Search Premier, Biography Reference Bank, and History Reference Center. This database is available to Rocky Hill Library card holders only.

Device Compatibility: PC, Mac, Chromebooks (via EBSCO Mobile), Android (via EBSCO Mobile), iOS (via EBSCO Mobile), Kindle Fire Tablets (via web browser)



The Palace app combines all of our OverDrive / Libby content together with e-books and digital audiobooks from the CT State Library, Baker & Taylor, and several public domain collections. Simply download the app from your mobile device's app store, tap "Find Your Library", search for and select Cora J. Belden Library, and then type in your library card number when checking out an item!

Device Compatibility: Android and iOS Mobile Devices