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Cora J. Belden Library
Phone: 860-258-7621 (Main)     Mon - Wed: 9:30 - 8:00
Phone: 860-258-7623 (Info)     Thurs - Fri: 9:30 - 5:00
E-mail:     Saturday: 9:30 - 1:00
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Cora J. Belden Library - One on One Help

Need more in depth help regarding technology or research? Book one of our librarians or experienced and knowledgeable volunteers for an appointment! Call the Information Desk at 860-258-7623 to book an appointment!

  • Tech Help - We provide assistance with the following:
    • Computers / laptops, both Windows and Mac
    • Smartphones, both Android and iPhone
    • iPads and Android Tablets
    • MS Office
    • Social media
    • Streaming TV / Cutting the cord
    • Pretty much anything else you can think of!
  • Research Assistance:
    • Working on your genealogy or a school project and need some help with research? Let us know, we are glad to help!